DOWNLOAD Tentacle Locker APK
Download Tentacle Locker APK file by clicking the download button below. If you are downloading the file from PC then, connect your device to the computer.
File size of APK file is 36MB.
At Tentacle Locker, we want to make great games that sell, and we wouldn’t be able to do it without our people. We achieve our success through our immensely talented development teams, and the operational expertise of our management, marketing, and corporate services.
Striving to bring imagination, original ideas, and excitement to everything we do.
Acting with the curiosity and courage that it takes to experiment, innovate and lead.
We are at our best when we pursue what we love, and have fun doing it.
Download Tentacle Locker APK file by clicking the download button below. If you are downloading the file from PC then, connect your device to the computer.
File size of APK file is 36MB.
Copy TentacleLocker.apk file to your phone/tablet.
Open the file, You will get a pop up box saying "For security your phone is set to block installation of apps obtained from unknown sources".
Click on settings ->Allow installation for TentacleLocker Mobile.
After Installation you will see Tentacle Locker icon on your phone. Open the game, It will download obb and data files and game will start after downloading.